Narrow-minded rationality!

These quotes that I have written were not created with the purpose of being any particular quotes but were a response to a very narrow-minded white supremacist who argued for white pride and the inferiority of black people. It is ok to have an opinion, but one must know why he has that opinion in order to really understand and therefore I seek to find that cause. As a result I found that I rather quickly understood why he expressed these thoughts and I explain it in the following quotes.

"The only people who judge ability by race are those who are too ashamed to be judged individually."

I acknowledge that 'ashamed' does not cover the whole aspect of this question but I believe the fundamental cause is an identification complex which emerges as result of a superiority complex. By this I mean that one cannot stand on his own and thus identifies with other things like football hooligans who strongly like one team, or in this case, a person who identifies with a race only to be part of something, because alone he is nothing. The reason one must identify with something is because of the superiority complex. He speaks of superiority because he really feels inferior individually and therefore seeks to be part of something stronger and better.

"One can judge how narrow-minded a person is by how little he identifies with."

In this example, the person identifies himself with White people and White pride. Other examples are people who identify with sects only and some who will identify with humanity, earthlings or further than that. My view is that one has opened his mind fully when he can understand and have compassion for everything, thus have the ability to identify with everything. The reason one cannot identify with humanity as a whole is because of a lack of understanding for some of the humans and with greater understanding one can identify with more. The less you identify with (eg. KKK), the further down your head is. The more you widen your angles, the more you will see and understand.

- Guest post by Dado Ouellet.

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